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History of The College

In 1966, 弗吉尼亚州议会通过了一项具有历史意义的立法,在全州范围内建立了综合性社区学院体系. 这项立法将大多数本科以下的高中后教育纳入了一个体系, 并扩大了该州高等教育的基础,以至于弗吉尼亚, for the first time in the twentieth century, took a major step toward democratizing higher education. 作为综合性机构,社区大学努力为社会各阶层服务.
In Southwest Virginia, a committee comprised of local business, civic, 工业和政治领袖是由李的地方管理机构任命的, Scott, Wise, 以及迪肯森县和诺顿市,目的是建立一所综合性社区学院. 1970年4月,大学理事会召开了第一次会议. Fugate was elected chair. 建设资金由州社区学院委员会拨款,并于1971年初开始建设.

  • In August 1971, Dr. George B. 沃恩被任命为靠谱的买球网站院长,同年10月举行了奠基仪式. The first classes were offered in the fall of 1972.

  • In January 1978, Dr. Victor B. 菲克担任了山帝国的第二任总裁.

  • The third president, Dr. Ruth Mercedes Smith, served from June 1988 to June 1991.

  • Dr. Robert H. 桑德尔从1992年1月到2001年7月担任第四任总裁.

  • Dr. 2002年1月至2010年6月,泰瑞斯·苏亚雷斯担任第五任总裁.

  • Dr. Scott Hamilton became the sixth president in July 2010.

  • Dr. Kristen Westover became the seventh president in July 2017.

Mission & Vision

 靠谱的买球网站的使命是为我们的地区提供无障碍, quality higher education, workforce training, 和社区项目,以确保受过教育的人口和具有全球竞争力的劳动力.



  • General Education: Civic Engagement, Critical Thinking, Professional Readiness, Quantitative Literacy, Scientific Literacy, and Written Communication.

  • 职业技术教育:职业和技术教育计划满足对技术人员日益增长的需求, professionals, and a skilled workforce.

  • Transfer Education: The transfer education program, 包括大一和大二的文科和理科课程以及职业前教育, 允许学生转入四年制学院和大学的学士学位课程.

  • 发展研究:提供发展课程以纠正基本方面的不足, such as English, reading, and mathematics, 并为那些没有必修课程先决条件的学生进入特定课程做准备.

  • 双录取:双录取课程,让成绩优异的学生在满足高中毕业要求的同时获得大学学分.

  • 远程教育:远程教育课程和项目通过多种交付模式提供可访问性, to include the internet, video, and off-campus locations.

  • Student Services: The College provides programs, services, and resources that facilitate college access, enhance student success, develop career readiness, promote student leadership, and provide opportunities for student engagement.

  • 劳动力发展:劳动力发展包括信贷和非信贷培训,以满足劳动力需求,并通过项目促进经济发展, customized training, and on-going workshops.

  • 社区服务:学院设施和人员通过文化活动支持该地区的文化和教育需求, workshops, meetings, lectures, conferences, seminars, community projects, and service learning.

Vision Statement




  • 教学的特点将是采用最佳做法来发展知识和技能, including the involvement of businesses, the use of hands-on interactive mediums, 以及知识和技能在现实生活中的应用机会.

  • 教学将采用非传统的方法,强调技术的使用. Faculty members will be facilitators of learning, mentors, and role models, exhibiting to students the importance of knowledge, competence, and a thirst for learning.

  • 该学院将成为劳动力培训的主要提供者和社区发展的领导者, partnering with businesses, educational institutions, non-profits, 和政府加强该地区的竞争力,以吸引和留住就业机会.

  • 学院将成为为学生和社会服务和参与的典范, promoting economic development, appreciation of culture, and the quality of living in rural, southwest Virginia.

College Values


  • Community and Cultural Preservation

  • Creativity and Innovation

  • Diversity, Inclusion and Equity

  • Honesty, Integrity and Trust

  • Leadership and Service

  • Learning

  • Student Success

  • Teamwork and Communication


靠谱的买球网站是弗吉尼亚州社区学院委员会管辖下的23所社区学院之一. 弗吉尼亚社区学院系统成立于1966年,由弗吉尼亚州议会在州长米尔斯·E. Godwin Jr. Mountain Empire Community College was founded in 1970, 1972年开始上课,当时有600名学生和36名教职员工.  Mountain Empire Community College serves the counties of Lee,  Scott, Wise, Dickenson and the City of Norton.

该学院在弗吉尼亚社区学院系统批准的使命声明下运作. 弗吉尼亚社区学院系统的规章制度在VCCS政策手册中有说明.

本手册的副本可在总统办公室找到, the Vice President of Academic and Student Services, the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services, Admission and records, Student Services, the MECC Wampler Library, the academic divisions of Arts & Sciences, Applied Sciences & Technologies, Business & 信息技术和健康科学、社区关系和人力资源办公室. 有关学院的其他信息可以在VCCS政策手册中找到, the MECC College Catalog, the MECC Student Handbook, and the MECC Purchasing Manual.

靠谱的买球网站建立了原则和流程来赢得学生的信任, constituents, and the communities it serves. 历史上,这些原则和过程一直通过认证得以维持, 以其使命为指导的透明度、道德和非歧视标准, vision and values.


Campus Map

MECC Campus Map

  1. Godwin Hall (Business Office, Learning Center, Classrooms)
  2. Holton Hall (Student Services, Center for Student Outreach and Success, Fox Central, Enrollment Services, Financial Aid, Red Fox Grill and The MECC Bookstore)
  3. Dalton-Cantrell Hall (President’s Office, MECC Foundation, Industrial Technology Classrooms and Office)
  4. Robb Hall (Wampler Library, Health Sciences Classroom )
  5. Phillips-Taylor Hall (Goodloe Center,  Business & Information Technology Suite, Academic & Student Services, Workforce Solutions, Computing & Information Technology Office, Community Relations Office & Health Science Office )
  6. Goodloe Center
  7. Firing Range
  8. Tennis Courts
  9. Environmental Pond
  10. Maintenance Building

  • A, B, D, E, & F Student Parking
  • C. Faculty/Staff Parking
  • H. Handicapped Parking
  • V. Visitor Parking